Bristol Theosophical Blog

Its good to share. So why not tell us what Theosophical things you have found or would recommend that has helped during Covid-19.

Here are few I would recommend on youtube.

Finding Joe : A truly inspirational film, Finding Joe explores the studies of famed mythologist Joseph Campbell. Take a journey through the human psyche and discover the pattern hidden in every story.

Hacking Reality : Marion Kerr on a fun, visually exciting journey as she explores a mysterious, highly complex structure known simply as ‘E8’

Living Theosophy : At the Feet of The Master. Theosophical Classics.

True Prayer by Annie Beasant

Who pants and struggles to be free,

Who strives for others’ Liberty,

Who failing, still works patiently,

He truly prays.

Who, loving all, dare none despise,

But with the worst can sympathise,

Who for a truth a martyr dies,

He truly prays.

Who, when a truth to him is known,

Embraces it through smile or frown,

Who dares to hold it, though alone,

He truly prays.

In musing strength must come to dare,

Petitions are but empty air,

Brave action is the only prayer,

Thus learn to pray.

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